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The Benefits of AGP Technology
Accelerated Graphics Port (AGP) technology enables users to experience the full capabilities of the Pentium II processor. AGP streamlines the flow of data between the processor, graphics accelerator and system memory, delivering a new level of rich media to the PC. The result is improved performance with today's graphics-intensive software applications, especially those involving 3D. PCs with AGP deliver more compelling and lifelike visual experiences for users of home and business PCs.

The Building Blocks of AGP
Since the second half of 1997, PC manufacturers have been shipping systems that incorporate AGP. These systems include several key building blocks:

  • An AGP interconnect--this allows a peak data transfer rate of up to 528 Mbytes/second between the PC's main memory and the AGP graphics accelerator-compared to a transfer rate of only 132 Mbytes/second attainable by today's PCI bus.
  • An AGP-enabled chipset--for example, the Intel 440BX AGPset, is specially engineered to enhance graphics performance of home and business PCs equipped with the Pentium II processor.
  • An AGP-enabled graphics accelerator--this is the hardware responsible for manipulating graphics data and moving it to the monitor for display.

AGP Building Blocks Must Be Integrated
The building blocks alone are not enough. For an "off-the-shelf" PC that's ready to deliver full AGP graphics performance, the building blocks must be engineered to work together. The Intel 440BX AGPset has been designed, tested and validated to deliver the highest possible level of graphics performance in systems equipped with the Pentium II processor. For lifelike experiences with graphics, 3D and video applications, make sure the PC is designed with integrated AGP building blocks. If you have questions, ask your PC or motherboard manufacturer for detailed information.

AGP Building Blocks

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